Over this lovely weekend, a friend called and asked if we had any silicone based lubricant. We said, "of course! Why?" She said that she was doing a test, and asked if we'd hold a match up to a few drops and see if it was flammable.

Of course we had to try this...and, yes, silicone based lubricant is extremely flammable.

Here's a video:

The move was successful and smooth. I have the internet back up and running, and look forward to further debauchery in our new kinky nest!

Today I received a wonderful compliment. It was in an email. I'm sure this individual won't mind me copying it here(I've put it in green):

It has been experience that the best Mistresses are grounded in their world, they are real people with a talent and a great mission to work to share their skill, art, and belief. You are defintely in that class, as has Midori, and others that i have had the priviledge to serve and seek counsel with,such as You.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

It was nice to sleep in my own bed last night. Anyway, Radiohead put on an amazing show. We had lawn seats, and enjoyed a little bit of rain, lightning, and even a comet! The weather was very moody and intense-just perfect for this experience. We were allowed to take some video and photos. Stuff like that definitely wouldn't pass in Chicago.

I'll be pretty scarce this week. We're moving, I'm coordinating schedules with a few people to clean and maybe do one last shoot in this place when it's empty. We'll see. I don't want to open a new chapter when there are still creative projects brewing in my brain.

Current mood: extremely pissed off

I knew it would happen sooner or later...my myspace account was recently deleted. The writing was on the wall when they disabled the links to my website. So...technically the word, "myspace" is an oxymoron. My space implies that I can do whatever I like, because it is in fact, my little online realm. I've known that there is no "Tom" anymore, it's rupert murdoch(I don't capitalize the names of those I loathe) and the messed up people who carry out his fucked up political agenda.

So why use it and start another profile? Ironically, it's been a great promotional tool for me. There are so many kinksters who've started up profiles. I wonder why we put up with their constant glitches, deleting of profiles, and so forth.

If anyone knows of a better online community that has a high concentration of kinksters, and is easy to use, please post it in a comment. I really don't want to go back to myspace. Fuckers...