The men of New Guinea often paint themselves, imitating the birds of paradise. Women do not decorate themselves. So often in nature we see males being more colorful and smaller than females. They have to compete and impress females in order to mate.

So I wonder...have our modern day "decorations" for our bodies changed? Have paint, feathers, piercings, and tattoos been replaced by fancy cars, pretty bank accounts, and immaculate homes?

As much as I love getting dressed up, I'd love a return to males decorating themselves more for women's pleasure. Rather than material goods and status symbols, I'd like to see paint, feathers, piercings, tattoos, scars, brandings, and more creative expressions...even if they come out every once in a while and are hidden under a business suit.

In fact, I'm going to inflict some of my own "decorations" and "symbols" on a very willing male...


Anonymous said...

Hooray! Yes. The show that we had seen, Planet Earth, got me thinking about this as well... Some of those extremely rare and exotic birds were just so amazing!! And the great lengths that they go to to impress their potential mates is infinitely interesting.

Natalya Sadici said...

I'm glad we're on the same page. Prepare yourself.