After going through a lot of "stuff" this year, I've been analyzing my pervy proclivities. What draws me to certain activities? What boundaries have I set for myself, and are they helping or hindering my personal growth? I believe it's natural to take a step back every so often and look at your journey through life.
No, this is not a post to say I'm retiring or moving. So, please don't worry about that. In fact, I've realized how important kink is in my life. This realization came while attempting work on another degree of higher education. Notebooks of fantasies, photo and video shoot ideas, and smut were piling up in my office. Needless to say, I have since stopped working on that degree to follow my heart and passions. The transition has been bumpy so far, but WAY more fulfilling.
The fast approaching new year will be filled with travel, various art projects, the launch of my video production company, and, of course, sessions and play time galore! I have taken steps to reconnect with people I lost touch with once I started as an independent Domina. It's been great to have the time again. There are classes to enhance and evolve my skill set to take, and seemingly "vanilla" classes I'd like to attend also. What can I say? "Student of life", is one of my mottos.
In general, I've been doing a lot of inner work. I wish all of you a safe holiday season-if I don't see you out and about over the next few weeks-and health and happiness for 2009!
I'd like to give a public thank you to slave jim. There's a new electrical device he helped add to my collection. It's tempting to gush all about it here, but I want to leave a certain level of mystery for those of you who have sessions coming up. A lady can't give away all the tools she has in her kinky toolbox, can she? ;)
Do you have an exhibitionist streak and enjoy CBT? Well, I may have a video slave position for you! You can be hooded or unhooded(to conceal your identity), but I have some other requirements.
Those who have not met or played with me before MUST meet me in public for coffee, lunch, or dinner. It goes without saying that any beverage or meal consumed together is your treat. Some novices need to be reminded of this. I will choose males who I feel I have a rapport with-some kind of synergy.
You must be able to provide two valid forms of id and sign a model release. All rights will belong to and this is NOT A PAID POSITION. Email me at and put "Video slave position" as the subject.
I'm looking forward to making fetish art!
After many months of work, version 2.0 of is live! As with many creative projects, it is a work in progress. I hope to add more stuff to the, "For Novices" section. If you have any feedback as to what you think would be helpful for this section, email me at This area will be continuously added to over time. Right now it's primarily protocol for having a real time session with me.
So, enjoy and keep checking back for updates! I'll be sure to keep everyone informed of them through this blog.
Be well. throws you a huge curve ball. To all those who've been there for me, I love you very much.
I'll be going through some HUGE transitions in the coming months, but I'm confident everything will be much better as a result.
Be well, and I will follow up with something saucy very soon.
Due to unforeseen reasons, csj has to be let out of chastity. I'm very unhappy about this, but I have a feeling he'll come crawling back at some point. Despite my unhappiness he's been a fun test subject.
Speaking of chastity, I'd like to discuss behavior modification-both its importance to me, and how it can be incorporated into personal training or regular sessions. I've listed behavior modification as one of my main interests on my website. Why? Because D/s and BDSM can explore very deep parts of the psyche. Emotions, long repressed experiences, and new desires can all come to the forefront during play. Seeing the changes in my play partners through time has been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences I've had. In general, I like to see our pervy adventures-no matter how intense, humiliating, or otherwise-open the person up and result in a more balanced person/pet. That's the Libra in me! Always craving balance!
Behavior modification can be something I want to change in a person, or the person desires to change in her/himself. Though I enjoy shaping male-like specimens into creatures and pets of my own design, I find it extremely interesting when a person comes to me with specific goals.
A few years ago a man called the dungeon and stated he wanted a "behavior modification session". At the time I was a new Mistress and thought he'd want to learn certain slave positions-just basic things. Given the fact it was a one hour session, I didn't think we would accomplish much. I figured he wanted the role play of being a long time slave and so forth. When we were able to talk I realized he wanted to come in regularly. His goal was to become more attentive to his wife. What better person to go to than a whip and paddle wielding dominatrix, he thought. We had a thorough conversation about his circumstances, I asked him questions about his wife, and we set to developing certain habits. Each time he came in, he'd have to discuss how things were going, if his wife vocalized annoyance with his behavior, etc. Depending on how he was doing, I'd pick a light flogger, paddle, cane, or signal whip to dish out his corrections. Eventually, his wife would book sessions for him. Though I never met her in person, she seemed thoroughly pleased and excited about how things were going.
Though I liked our arrangement, some people need more day to day discipline and motivation-especially if you're training someone who lives far away or can't see you as often. This is where I like to bring chastity into the equation. The sexual energy most males release on a regular basis gets backed up, they become agitated at first, then they look for things to do or accomplish. When you hold the key to the device, your influence is extremely powerful. There comes a period of time when the focus is on the key holder. The captive starts to have thoughts like: what can I do to please my Mistress? Would she like a massage at a spa today, her car washed, a lovely orchid plant? Eventually there is an acceptance of the situation.(chastity in and of itself will be a whole other post!) This is where the captive is most malleable and can accomplish a great deal. The sexual frantic energy coupled with acceptance of the situation is a lovely combination. If something isn't accomplished by a certain period of time, the easiest way to punish is to add more time to the chastity sentence.
For those that are more cerebral-i.e. not ruled by his genitals-behavior modification becomes more complex. You really have to dive inside your slave's head, find out what makes it tick, and figure out clever ways to punish and reward. Chastity doesn't often have the intense impact on these individuals. I've noticed more subtle means have a dramatic effect once you really know who you're working with. A phrase said, a scent, type of music, and more could be just the right thing.
In any behavior modification situation think of the following: Does this person want to change his behavior because it's what YOU want and would make YOU happy? Or is he deeply desiring the change himself? Perhaps both parties see merit in the change. Are you the gentle guide to change? Or are you enacting strict punishment at every turn? What exactly are acceptable punishments and rewards given the circumstances? Are you doing subtle behavior modification on the sly without letting your slave know your intentions? All of this must be thought about.
The key to any goal oriented modification is to set REASONABLE time tables. A person can't just drop 30 pounds in a month and be healthy. Trust must also be established. Both parties must be comfortable with the amount of communication, disclosure, honesty, time spent, and activities involved. (By comfort I mean within the realms of risk aware consensual kink.) In the cases of subtle behavior modification-where the slave doesn't know of your intentions-I'm assuming there's a knowledge of boundaries.
I highly recommend writing out your intentions and timetable. It's essential the slave keeps a journal of some sort and either presents it to you, or sends email updates. Google documents is a great way to send journal assignments and alter a time table. There's also online calendars where only certain individuals can see it. You can set your preferences to allow however many people see it while it remains almost non-existent to the rest of online world. Another idea is to have your slave sign up for a voice mail box. This keeps certain messages private, and the Mistress can leave messages of encouragement, admonishment, or update the timetable.
Happy behavior modifying! :)
Chastity slut jeff(from now on he'll be referred to as csj) has been locked away for almost a month and a half now. His slave goo is building up and poisoning his mind...perhaps so much that he can't answer simple questions through email.
Part of his punishment is posting his dilemma in this blog. The other part is to add more to his sentence. He always gets embarrassed when I mention his state to others:) I don't want my toy to build up an infection, but despite his state he needs to answer simple questions.
...and I couldn't be more excited! I'll be packing a lot of hemp rope, rubber, some leather, a few choice toys, and yummy heels. When I return I'm sure I'll have some slippery tales.
NOTE: My 24/7 info line is on the fritz. For those of you who've called it, email me directly at I will have frequent online capabilities during my travels.
Professional Domination can be particularly fluid. There isn't one set job description when referring to it. Each Mistress does things differently and has different views on where Professional Domination fits within the lifestyle. As I'm revamping my website, I wanted to include this essay in the, "For Novices" section. It will give everyone who reads it a glimpse into my views, and how I conduct my sessions. As I'm reading through posts on places like Max Fisch, I realize my style is not similar to a majority of Doms.
I will argue that the common thread in Professional Domination is the exchange of money for a somewhat set amount of play time. Even this is fluid! There are times when a Pro Dom enjoys herself so much that she loses track of time, or there's an "extended session rate". Due to the need for breaks a specific amount of play time over a couple of days is not negotiated.
Why do I think my style is different? For one, I have lengthier negotiations. Some argue this kills the lovely spontaneity of play time. There's something to be said about saying over the phone, "I'm into corporal and heavy bondage," and then sussing out limits upon arrival at the play space. Perhaps it's the throwing yourself at a Mistress's mercy that appeals to some. I, on the other hand, think this is irresponsible. Having worked in a commercial dungeon and having to look at the chicken scratch list of clients interests and boundaries 15 minutes before a session made for some unpleasant encounters. My current negotiations last over a period of a few days to a few months. Why? Because at this stage in my career, I want loyalty. I want all sorts of information that you'll never know when I'll use to your advantage/disadvantage/predicament. I want a deeper level of play time and get my kicks out of the connections that build through time rather than the quick buck I may or may not make. My lengthier negotiations also separate the dick dialers(those who see pretty pictures of Mistresses, call her instantly, and do no research on her) from the true submissives that can afford their kink. You can probably guess by reading this that Professional Domination isn't my only source of income. It was in the past, and I know what I had to put up with in order to make that sort of living. In time, who knows? Maybe I'll build up a larger and extremely loyal stable.
Second, the way I view Professional Domination is different as well. I don't like the attitude that we're in the "service industry". To me, that says the following: I pay you under the illusion of domination. In actuality, I tell you specifically what I want done to me, and if you don't do it how I want you to do it, then either I won't see you again, or I not only won't see you again, but I'll also smear your reputation on public forums. Yes, there is that exchange of money for time, but the reason I have a tribute is so people RESPECT MY TIME. Professional Domination is a business, but it's a business for those who can't openly live a kinky lifestyle, want the security of playing with someone who has honed her craft, and/or has obscure fetishes that the average lifestyle player can't get into or doesn't have the resources to indulge in.
So what is Professional Domination to me? It's something that teeters the line of lifestyle play time, friendship, and business. I dedicate time between sessions to converse-via email or if the person feels inclined to call my niteflirt lines-and discuss changes in boundaries, what worked and what didn't, increases in the amount of service she/he can provide, and more. I also grab coffee, tea, wine, lunch, or dinner on occasion with clients to talk kink, set up a session, or discuss important issues. Though I am generous with my time, I'm also firm with how much time I can give. My sessions take into consideration your interests, but I will do what I want when we play. I will dabble in your interests, but also expose you to other related activities. Your boundaries are always respected.
The other BIG thing that sets me apart from other Mistresses is release. I do not allow physical release, choking the bishop, etc. in my presence! Strangely, I've noticed this is a deal breaker for many guys seeking Pro Dom sessions. There's this attitude of, "since I'm paying, I should be able to jerk off at the end." Hmm...I thought you were paying for a power exchange. If I decide I am not amused in the slightest by guys jerking off in front of me, that's my decision. This "I'm paying" attitude ends up equating Pro Doms with common whores. Professional Domination should not be having to watch guys jerk off all the time. As I've said in another blog, you can jerk off at any time. How often do you get to see a skilled Mistress? You can replay your time with her on your own and jerk off. Holding off on stroking it will make for a much more powerful orgasm anyway! When you go home and jerk it after our session, what you replay in your mind tells me what was most erotic for you during our time together. It's a good gauge on what I can dabble more in later on. So, our time together is the gift that keeps on giving! Ha!
So perhaps, I'm not a Pro Dom for the clients who like to session occasionally and never think about kink until their next session(typically 6 months later). I seek to actively engage people so they can be comfortable with their perversions. So, I'm a Pro Dom for FemDom hedonists that indulge in kink instead of being compulsive...if you're wondering what the difference is, stay tuned. That's another essay for another time.
It's official! My blogs in the past have hinted at a partner in crime. We did a test shoot to develop some images and talk aesthetics. I'm very pleased to share the following image that Chrystyne shot.
This marks the official partnership of Chrystyne and I. Stay tuned for more photos and the start of our video project! Check out more of her work at and
Yes, I will traveling to the left coast August 8th-16th. I will be taking a limited number of sessions as I want to balance playing with exploring the Bay Area. If everything works out, I will try to make yearly trips to SF!
If you want to play, make sure we have ample time to negotiate. Fill out the application form on my site or you may call my 24/7 information line and leave me a voice mail. I will return your call at my earliest convenience. The number is (641)715-3900 ext. 80010
The following gem was on craig's list:
Nemesis required. 6-month project with possibilty to extend
I've been trying to think of ways to spice up my life. I'm 35 years old, happily married with two kids and I have a good job in insurance. But somethings missing. I feel like I'm old before my time. I need to inject some excitement into my daily routine through my arm before its too late. I need a challenge, something to get the adrenaline pumping again. An addiction would be nice, but, in short, I need a nemesis. I'm willing to pay $350 up front for you services as an arch enemy over the next six months. Nothing crazy. Steal my parking space, knock my coffee over, trip me when Im running to catch the BART and occasionaly whisper in my ear, "Ahha, we meet again". That kind of thing. Just keep me on my toes. Complacency will be the death of me. You need to have an evil streak and be blessed with innate guile and cunning. You should also be adept at inconsicuous pursuit. Evil laugh preferred. Send me a photo and a brief explanation why you would be a good nemesis.
British accent preferred.
Too bad this person is in SF. I would gladly be someone's nemesis. Maybe this guy needs a Dom? Would that be too obvious? Ha!
For those of you who are traveling and need to reach me more quickly, I've started a new leave a message on my 24/7 informative voice mail box. The message is a few minutes in length.
Here's the number:
(641)715-3900 ext. 80010#
You MUST put in the extension and the pound sign to reach my voice mail box!
Over this lovely weekend, a friend called and asked if we had any silicone based lubricant. We said, "of course! Why?" She said that she was doing a test, and asked if we'd hold a match up to a few drops and see if it was flammable.
Of course we had to try this...and, yes, silicone based lubricant is extremely flammable.
Here's a video:
The move was successful and smooth. I have the internet back up and running, and look forward to further debauchery in our new kinky nest!
Today I received a wonderful compliment. It was in an email. I'm sure this individual won't mind me copying it here(I've put it in green):
It has been experience that the best Mistresses are grounded in their world, they are real people with a talent and a great mission to work to share their skill, art, and belief. You are defintely in that class, as has Midori, and others that i have had the priviledge to serve and seek counsel with,such as You.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.
It was nice to sleep in my own bed last night. Anyway, Radiohead put on an amazing show. We had lawn seats, and enjoyed a little bit of rain, lightning, and even a comet! The weather was very moody and intense-just perfect for this experience. We were allowed to take some video and photos. Stuff like that definitely wouldn't pass in Chicago.
I'll be pretty scarce this week. We're moving, I'm coordinating schedules with a few people to clean and maybe do one last shoot in this place when it's empty. We'll see. I don't want to open a new chapter when there are still creative projects brewing in my brain.
Current mood: extremely pissed off
I knew it would happen sooner or myspace account was recently deleted. The writing was on the wall when they disabled the links to my website. So...technically the word, "myspace" is an oxymoron. My space implies that I can do whatever I like, because it is in fact, my little online realm. I've known that there is no "Tom" anymore, it's rupert murdoch(I don't capitalize the names of those I loathe) and the messed up people who carry out his fucked up political agenda.
So why use it and start another profile? Ironically, it's been a great promotional tool for me. There are so many kinksters who've started up profiles. I wonder why we put up with their constant glitches, deleting of profiles, and so forth.
If anyone knows of a better online community that has a high concentration of kinksters, and is easy to use, please post it in a comment. I really don't want to go back to myspace. Fuckers...
Saturday's festivities still have me on a top high! Though I don't have a full fledged dungeon or much dungeon furniture in my home, I've managed to use a few items to my benefit. It's awesome to be creative and use my personal toy collection. Yes, I have separate toys for the special ones in my life:)
Though I won't disclose all the yummy details-some things are best left private-I will give an overall description...I topped a lovely male and female simultaneously, played them off each other using predicament bondage, then gave the female an impromptu lesson on topping males. I wanted to see how switchable said female was and will be. Perhaps I should buy stock in lubricant...
Today I made the journey to FedEx to pick up the gorgeous package of Vex they were holding hostage. (It's ridiculous that if I order FedEx ground, it gets sent to LaGrange, but if I order it FedEx express, I can pick it up down the street. No matter. I've always said I love anticipation.) Opening the box greeted me with the lovely smell of brand new rubber! I had to smell the box for a few moments before I dove in to examine my treasures. First, I pulled out a rubber army cap. The design is delightful and fit my small head perfectly. After that, I took out the main new trench dress. I got it in olive with black accents. Though I had drooled over pictures of it online for ages, my jaw still dropped as I held it up. Laura totally out did herself. I can't wait to play and session in it! The lines and curves of the cut are perfect.
Here's a photo from her website to help your imagination:
So...if you want to see me regularly in new rubber and other fetish goodies, inquire about how you can contribute to make that happen. This new acquisition was made possible by the generous tips slaves have given me. Thank you very much! You know who you are:)
Over the weekend danimal and I attended Norell's birthday party. Yes, there will be many fun pictures to see later on. I think we need to recover from it all!
In theme with the party-Paparazzi-every way you turned, someone was taking your picture. Miss Bee, Miss Ammo, and Maria the Purple Goddess were in attendance. Maria did two separate burlesque performances that made everyone drool and salivate. The fluidity of her movements and ease in which she removed her outfits had many jaws dropping.
After the second performance, Miss Ammo and Maria decided to raise hell on Norell's behind! Of course I had to get in on the action. Norell was propped on a stand in front of huge picture windows. The music was blarring and her bum was already quite warm by the time I got to it. Our lovely blonde had three ladies spanking away to the music in front of a large crowd to the music. I'm not sure which ended up more red...her bum or her face! After a while I could feel welts raise. She's going to have a hard time sitting for a while:)
When we finished, Miss Bee put Norell over her knee for a good old fashioned OTK spanking. I could hear her cries over the music. It was lovely. Later on, Ammo and I molested her like the dirty bitches we are! Lots of breast grabbing and nipple pinching ensued.
The split of kinky people vs. vanilla was pretty interesting. During the evening, some guy kept saying, "I'm so glad I came here! I got to see spanking, drink a lot..." He started asking about suspension and if we orgasmed while we were up. I didn't stick around to really answer that question. Leave it to a guy to automatically think our motivations to do something painful are purely orgasmic.
At the end of the evening, you'd think Norell was turning thousands of years old by all the spankings! I'm looking forward to our more private celebration this coming weekend...
Today marks the massive upgrade to our living space. In May I'll be moving to a house-yes still in Chicago-with a lot more space, and where noise isn't an issue! There will be space to shoot photo, video, and really indulge in my personal kinks. I won't have to worry about a crazy neighbor freaking out about whips cracking, screams from women and men, and all the other debauchery that goes on in the living space. To be honest, I'm very surprised that the police haven't been called on us!
My various projects are coming along slowly but surely. I've subjected a few of my friends to a smut reading and received some really positive feedback. Though I only take sessions with people I feel a connection with-intellectually and interest wise-it's nice to indulge in something that totally gets me off.
I've learned from having a web board that it gets crazy moderating a group on your own site. Consistently updating programs to fight spambots was giving me a headache...then it occurred to me...why not have a group elsewhere?
A few weeks ago I started a group on Yahoo. In the past they've deleted kinky groups suddenly, and I'm hearing chatter about that happening again. Yahoo is so fucking glitchy! My primary email is through gmail. The other day I realized that you can have google groups now! Yay! I just started one and here's the link to it:
As soon as I get your polite request to join, you'll be added. I have it set up this way to lower the chances of a bunch of spambots joining. Let's get down and dirty with our FemDom conversations, shall we?
You heard me...
Mark your calendars for March 29th. You have a special date because I say so. Give your fluorescents and incandescents a rest and get naughty!
Here's a video with more information:
Someone should start a, "Kinky Fuckers for Energy Saving", movement. Any volunteers?
Some great people have been coaxed out of hiding. We're putting our collective creative energies together to make great art. Most of this stuff will be held onto for a members area to my website, but I'll post a few juicy morsels soon!
I'm off to shoot and play...
**this photo was taken of me at the 1901 Gallery
Every few months, I find it important to reflect on what's going on in my life-look at where I've been and where I'm going. As the utterly slow shift from winter to spring occurs, I look inward and prepare for the expansive nature of spring and summer-times when I shift into high gear and try to do everything at once!
So, I ask myself, "why do I play? What is my consistent motivation? What do I want to see in and do with my play partners?"
In this sexually and emotionally repressed society, I think the role I have as a Pro Domina as one of therapist, mentor, confidant, and leader. Through the sessions and scenes I have, our encounters are intense, yet fulfilling. I often have the stance of, "breaking people down, to build them up." This is with regards to my theories on gateways.
No matter where you go, there are cultural and social norms and mores. In America, any sign of a genuine emotion, whether it's showing sadness, grief, insecurity, etc.; is considered a sign of weakness. We thrive on competition, dominance, and efficiency. It's difficult to cry on a train due to the loss of a loved one without feeling shame or embarrassment. So what do we do? We swallow our emotions and go on with our day. We create gateways to separate our emotions and keep ourselves from expressing them. Mores and norms are the padlocks that form to tell us when, how, and to what extent the expression of these emotions is acceptable.
Not opening the padlocks and our gateways can manifest in various ways. You can often tell by a person's posture, tone of voice, places where they carry tension, and the onset of unexplainable ailments that a person is holding onto something.
Remember when we were children and just played? We had fun, but now we have so many responsibilities and stressors! What is D/s and BDSM then? It's the adult form of playing and self expression. We dabble in fantasy, greeting it happily and sometimes fearfully, and get lost in it for a while. Though it's rare, an emotional release can occur.
Now, I haven't read much on this topic. Not much is written on it. I tried to discuss it a bit when I had my web board up. Many males mixed this up with the relief they felt after an orgasm. I mentioned that you'll remember a great orgasm for a few weeks or months at the most, but you'll never forget an emotional release once it occurs.
So, what is it exactly? It's difficult to pinpoint since it varies so wildly from person to person. Here's my best attempt at explaining what occurs. Imagine that while playing, your padlock is unlocked and your gateways disintegrate. There is no way of holding onto what's left inside. Your body is now able to express what was locked up for so long, though it comes comes out in whatever way your body deems appropriate. Say goodbye to cultural norms and mores. Your being is thrusting out, and, in a way, forcing you to deal with all your baggage at once.
Does that sound horrifying? It can be. To be that vulnerable in the presence of either someone you don't know well or that you're very close to. An emotional release can come out as fits of hysteric giggles, crying, smiling from ear to ear, and more. It all depends on what you have going on inside. This is why it's so hard to explain.
What happens during and after this experience makes all the difference in the world. For those who don't know what an emotional release is, they can think either you've gone completely crazy or are being, "a baby". The best thing that can happen is that you play with someone who is aware of this, and can reassure you that you're not alone-that what is going on is ok. It's perfectly ok.
What happens afterward? You may feel euphoric, totally alive, or even drained. Again, this all depends on you.
How does this happen and why? For some, a deep level of trust must be developed in their play partner. For others it's putting themselves in a position of extreme danger. While playing, you are being forced to be completely in the moment-so much that your gateways can't stay closed. The mechanisms of inner locking just won't function. This causes your body to deal with what's being kept inside. There's no, "I wonder what she'll do next", thoughts in your brain. In fact, your brain may not be functioning in quite the way it normally would at all! (I'd like to do a study mapping the brain while an emotional release occurs. I'm curious as to what happens and if some other part of our brains is functioning that never does otherwise.)
This is why I play. This is why I'm a Pro Domina. I open people up to what's possible by breaking down their bad habits and the negative things people hold on to. Though, this will happen only if you're willing to let go. I can only train, but much of this journey is yours. I want to see you be present in every waking moment. I want to hear that you've become a better listener and that you've gotten a promotion in your job as a result. I want to hear that your relationships with others are better and more fulfilling because you are genuinely happy, and that you truly know what that feels like. I want to hear that you've decided to make changes in your life for the better because you're sick of walking through this world like a zombie or a puppet.
While I'm not perfect-and I would never say that I am-I consistently grow through these experiences. Do we have the same goals? Often, people come to me to fulfill fantasies, have fun, relax and escape. They may not realize the other benefits they'll have while continually playing. As Irene Boss says, "don't come to me to feel bad about yourself." There's enough negativity in the world.
Now you know why I'm so selective of who I play with. I'm very protective of my energy. Life is too short to spend with those who don't give a shit about your well being.
So, the law that banned sex toy sales in Texas has been overturned! I wonder how many women and men in Texas actually knew about this ridiculously stupid law. Hopefully ladies are rejoicing in the bedroom...I'd like to see word of a dildo and vibrator parade to honor this jubilant overturning;)
Read more about this here:
I find inspiration in the most random places. One thing I've realized is that if I don't write something down, it will invade and violate all my thought processes until I do! Perhaps this is the double edged sword that comes with being an artist...
Consequently, I followed my instincts, wrote things down and now have over a dozen fresh ideas for videos and photo shoots to explore over the next few months. There are a few partners in crime I need to coax out of hiding...
I was very happy to see that Domina Betka Schpitz archived her writing. Dangerous Femme was a place I checked often to read her writing, see titillating photos, and direct novices to.
Here's a link I think everyone should read:
This is a list of 10 qualities of a good submissive. It was written by one of her slaves. Enjoy!
For those of you who know me, you probably already know my support of alternative healing modalities. Does "alternative medicine" really need to be an alternate, or should it be a viable option covered by our health insurance? I'll let you think about that question.
A loved one recently went to an "Immediate Care" clinic. She had hurt her shoulder and wanted to make sure nothing was broken or torn. (I find it a little ironic I had almost the same injury three weeks ago.) After signing in, she waited three hours to be seen. A nurse took her into a room, didn't ask her any questions regarding why she was there, then took her temperature and blood pressure. The nurse told her to go back into the waiting room.
Shortly after she sat back down, three more people entered the waiting room. One person was a woman with her son. The boy had the flu. The third person was a woman who nearly cut her thumb off at work. She was bleeding profusely-of course. Crazily enough, the boy with the flu was seen first! Doesn't that violate logic? There's a woman bleeding with the possibility of going into shock, hurting herself further, and maybe losing the ability to attach her thumb since so much time has passed, and you'll see a boy who you can't really do a whole lot for? Ugh.
As hour five approaches, my loved one finally gets an x-ray and is ushered into a room. She's told the following, "we don't think anything is broken. Here's a prescription for Vicodin. Ice it. If it doesn't feel better in five days, you should get an MRI." No muscle testing was done, no one would listen to how she was injured, and the woman with nearly no thumb was still waiting to be examined.
Now...what is wrong with this scenario? (this is asked sarcastically of course)
Contrast this with my experience. I injured my shoulder. I talked to licensed massage therapists, a naprapath, and an acupuncturist. Mind you, these are people I know and I didn't go in for a treatment, massage or session. i.e. I wasn't paying for their services. I was asked exactly how I injured myself, whether or not my pain was dull and achy or sharp and shooting, whether or not it referred down my arm, and many other questions. Multiple muscle tests were done to rule out what was damaged and what wasn't. I was given advice on how to take care of it-icing it wasn't an option unless I did that along with heat-and an intense massage. Though I felt nauseated during the massage due to the pain, I knew it was for a greater benefit. I was forced into a healing crisis! This means that my injury felt worse for about a day and a half, but then suddenly healed completely by day two.
Perhaps the word "alternative" in alternative medicine means an alternative to shitty care? Though the phrase, "alternative medicine", isn't used much and is a bit outdated, I thought it was a fun little play on words here. The state of the U.S. health care system is horrible. My loved one wasn't getting treated in a ghetto, but in a fairly wealthy neighborhood. This shouldn't even matter. I believe everyone in this country should have access to reliable health care. I also think that anatomy classes should be required in school. You get a "users manual" with all your electronic equipment don't you? Well, who's giving out the manuals on how to treat your body so it functions in its optimal way? There's a lot of misinformation out there. Don't get me started on vaccinations!
I think the number one reason why I use alternative healing modalities is because they work. I'm not shoving chemicals into my body to cover up the root of my problem. Some of the things are not the most comfortable or attractive processes, but when the issue is gone, it's gone. The second most important reason is that I'm actually listened to. I've always thought it's important to explain histories of injuries, how long I've had a certain ailment, and what makes it worse or better. This information is strangely unimportant to most Western doctors. We're in an age where you need to take a pill to fix what another pill is doing to your body. This is ridiculous.
Just like you'd research a Mistress to session and thoroughly negotiate play time, you should find other options. Knowledge is power, but belief solidifies that strength. Your health is so important and needs to be valued. For those who are in my service know that I give them tips on how to take care of themselves. When you're healthy you can have more fun:)
Perhaps it's the cold weather that's been putting all sorts of rubbery mummification fantasies in my head. All of the following photos are from They have an amazing range of both rubber and leather! A few of my rubber outfits come from them, and the quality is amazing.Imagine being lubed up, sliding into a rubber sleep sack...and then realizing there's more to come. As the sack inflates, you become more and more restricted. I love the shape of the body in this photo. If you add a hood, can you tell the sex of this person? Taking someone's identity away is so erotic.
Rubber, inflation, restriction, and a hood with a dildo? This keeps getting better and better! Deliciously deviant thoughts flood my mind...
Last, but certainly not least, is the photo to the left. If the rings on the side of the sack were strong enough, it would be wonderful to suspend a slave horizontally in this rubber dream. All sorts of nasty electrical devices could be hooked up to naughty bits...I've had my eye candy for today.
**Note: I don't own these sleep sacks currently. Hopefully in the future I will. If you'd like to make an extremely generous donation to my toy collection by purchasing these wet dreams, send an email to!
I just had my web board shut down. My mailing list is now closed as well. This year is going to be the year of reorganization and simplification. As I mention in the note on the site, "my energy is better spent elsewhere". In the next few weeks I'll be doing multiple photo shoots to give the site a fresh look. I've been compiling and working on a large, "For Novices" area. With each new potential client, I find myself asking some of the same questions. Negotiations tend to take longer due to the fact that most people haven't thought about what I ask. Having an idea of what I will ask will make the process go more smoothly.
My goals are to have reflect my growth as a Domina, be an information source for novices and seasoned players, and be a titillating place to view unique FemDom content.
Everyone is welcome to post respectful comments on this blog. This will be my main source for announcements from now on.
**This is an older photo of Salome, me, and danimal. The variation of our expressions always fascinates me.
A few days ago I had dinner with a female play partner. We had the following conversation:
"When people ask me what the kinkiest thing I've ever done you know what I tell them?"
"No, actually, I don't," I ran through our play time history and wondered what she'd say next.
"Mummification. That is by far the weirdest thing I've ever done."
I asked her why she thought that. It interests me when-as kinky people-we think something is weird. Yes, I do admit that seeing heavy rubber bondage and gas masks as a youngster both startled and excited me. Perhaps, certain activities make us feel weird-a word we use when we're not sure how to describe the feeling. In the case with my female play partner, I know it was a situation she never expected to get into.
As far as mummification goes, I have to say it's my biggest kink. My FPP's(female play partner's) question made me think of all the reasons I'm drawn to this activity.
When I wake up in the morning, I'm usually wrapped in a slew of blankets. During my slumber, I subconsciously turn over and over again-in a way mummifying myself for comfort. Although this makes the process of getting out of my soul sucking bed more difficult, I find comfort in being wrapped this way.
Think about it...when we're in utero, we're curled up like a ball and surrounded by supportive fluid. We get all our nutrients, exchange gases, and wastes this way. The placenta is our supportive wrapping in which we grow without hearing judgment, having deadlines, or other responsibilities.
Once we're born, and have to painfully take our first breath, we cry. We're uncomfortable...and what is the first thing nurses do? Teach our mother how to swaddle us-if she doesn't know already. Instead of supportive fluids, we have blankets. As we grow, I believe we find comfort in things that are strangely familiar to us. Mummification taps into this deep unconscious feeling of being supported.
When I switched, I always wanted to be mummified. No matter what else was going on, I found myself slipping into a meditative state. The slight rocking motion that occurred while other things were done to me put me into a deep parasympathetic state. Who knows how much time would pass, but at some point I felt weightless-like I was levitating off the floor or bondage table.
The first time I mummified a client I found myself drawn to the silhouette of the body encased in plastic. With his head covered, he was androgynous. He was completely helpless-not able to move, not able to breathe unless I let him, not able to see or hear. I turned him into an object-my plastic package of amusement. After cutting him out, he looked like he was being reborn. He slowly came out of his cocoon, blinked a few times, stretched and found new appreciation in the ability to move all his limbs. Once he drank some water, he described his feelings of floating and was amazed how long he'd been wrapped up.
Do we unconsciously seek out infancy and childhood comforts through our kink? Sometimes we do. Right now I look forward to exploring mummification in my favorite material-latex.
I just received the writing below. It's from a new slave who I'm working with to expand his boundaries. This gives a slave's perspective of both the negotiation process and our play time. It has not been edited.
"What if She never responds to my inquiry? What if She doesn't find me worthy Her time and attention? Did I answer all of the questions to Her satisfaction?" These are some of the questions I was asking myself after submitting the online application through Mistress Natalya's website. I really desired to serve Her the very first moment I saw Her pictures and read through Her website.
Some time later I was honored with a response from Mistress Natalya. She asked me further questions and also informed me of a protocol She requires of all new slaves. Before I could hope to session with Her, I had to pass a screening process consisting of email communication and a meeting in a public place. I found the process very educating. I learned a lot from this truly professional Disciplinarian through our email correspondence, including some things about myself. Even before I had the pleasure of meeting with Her face to face, I felt very intimidated by Her strong and very demanding personality. She was able to get me to confess all my desires, and to tell Her all the information She wanted to know about me. I also felt like I got to know Her during the process. I was really looking forward to our initial meeting.
That day finally arrived. I was very nervous and uncertain of how things would go. I was amazed when I saw this beautiful Woman with my own eyes. The feeling of intimidation that I had during our email communication only intensified when I was sitting in front of Her. Her sharp eyes were piercing through my skin as She could read my thoughts and my soul. I felt like I was melting and didn't know where to lay my eyes as looking directly into Hers seemed too dangerous. The words coming out through Her pretty lips sounded like firm commands, even during the moments we were talking about coffee or restaurant food. Mistress Natalya didn't even try to scare or intimidate me, but I just couldn't help this feeling while being around Her. She is a natural Female Supremacist and Disciplinarian, and I could sense it very intensively throughout the entire time I was with Her.
I was so happy when Mistress Natalya informed me later She would allow me to have a session with Her. The time between our meeting in the cafe and the first session was filled with anticipation and high anxiety on my part. At all times, I could hear Her voice in my head as She was talking about different aspects of BDSM, discipline, and humiliation. As the day of the session was approaching, I was feeling more and more nervous, and I was wondering what would happen to me in the hands of this strict beautiful Woman.
The day and the hour have finally arrived. I again couldn't believe my own eyes when I saw Mistress Natalya as She opened the door of the dungeon. Her outfit was a mixture of the old-fashioned taste of a strict Disciplinarian combined with sexuality and provocation: a black skirt at about knee length, a white not fully buttoned shirt, black high heel shoes, and stockings, each with a black stripe rising at the back. Even before Mistress Natalya spoke Her first words, I could smell discipline in the air; a punishment seemed unavoidable.
It was immediately made obvious to me why I was there. I was ordered to strip and to place my belonging in a basket. As Mistress Natalya took some of the clothing off me, She then conducted a very humiliating inspection of my body, including my ears, mouth, and most private parts as well. Mistress Natalya very quickly proceeded to the punishment. I was first disciplined in a standing position with my legs apart and my hands spread above my head. She combined it with one of my biggest weaknesses - nipple torture. Her metal devices were painfully tightening on my nipples in between the lashes She was administering to my body. As Mistress Natalya informed me at some point, the clamps eventually had to come off. It wasn't, however, in the way I was hoping. When She pulled the chain joining the clamps, I fell to the ground in agony.
Before I was ordered on a spanking bench, Mistress Natalya used a rope to make multiple knots along my body and to bind my hands behind my back. I couldn't believe how skillful Her beautiful hands were, working with the rope. A few times I dared to look at Mistress Natalya's eyes - She looked back at me with the same sharp eyes that intimidated me the first time I met with Her. She never smiled to me; She kept threatening me with Her dangerous cold eyes. When I was secured on the bench, the second - more intense phase of the beating began. A single tail whip and a cane left the biggest impact on my body and on my mind. Mistress Natalya purposely tied my hands in such a way that I had small room for movement. That was to see if I could control myself. I wasn't doing too well. Struggling in pain, my hands were wondering with attempts to cover my bottom cheeks and my fingers were whipped a few times. Mistress Natalya made it clear to me at the end that the severity of my punishment was far from the level that would satisfy Her. I realized that and had no choice but to acknowledge and accept the fact that during our next encounter my limits would be pushed much further.
It took me a good amount of time to return to my normal state of mind afterwards. My experience with Mistress Natalya had a huge impact on me and I know that things will not be the same as they were before I met Her. Our relationship will shape me into a male being of Her satisfaction, no matter how demanding, unpleasant and painful this might turn out to be for me. But I am ready and happy to please Her and take whatever She sees fit and appropriate for me. Thank You Mistress Natalya!