This image is from a shoot I did with Miss Bee. She is one talented lady! The concept for the shoot was varying types of bondage and the emotion that comes out of it. This was 35mm film rather than digital. Although I like digital, it's nice to sometimes go back to film. It brings out the grit of a rough and tumble scene. As you can see, my scanner is a bit off. At some point I'll get a better one. To see more of Miss Bee, you can check out her Myspace page here:

Or you can visit to book a session with her.

On another note, I've had a few ideas about reorganizing my website. Since I've been getting a lot of responses from novices, I thought of adding a new section to my website for them. It would include protocol, BDSM terminology, session reports from slaves who've seen me for a while, and what to expect when first contacting a Pro Domina. Do you think this would be helpful? Here's your chance to provide me with some feedback. What would you say to a novice? You can include comments here, email me at, or send me a PM through my web board. Adding this new section will save me a lot of time and energy once it's finished. Thank you in advance for any constructive feedback you provide.

The men of New Guinea often paint themselves, imitating the birds of paradise. Women do not decorate themselves. So often in nature we see males being more colorful and smaller than females. They have to compete and impress females in order to mate.

So I wonder...have our modern day "decorations" for our bodies changed? Have paint, feathers, piercings, and tattoos been replaced by fancy cars, pretty bank accounts, and immaculate homes?

As much as I love getting dressed up, I'd love a return to males decorating themselves more for women's pleasure. Rather than material goods and status symbols, I'd like to see paint, feathers, piercings, tattoos, scars, brandings, and more creative expressions...even if they come out every once in a while and are hidden under a business suit.

In fact, I'm going to inflict some of my own "decorations" and "symbols" on a very willing male...

For those of you in the Chicagoland area...
I will be at Bondage a Go Go night at Exit with Miss Maya and Miss Cleo. If you haven't seen us in a while, get your naughty ass out this Thursday the 22nd!

Come well dressed and behaved. For more information, go to